Power 2017 No 10


V. Komarovskii The Legacy of the 1917 Revolution in Shaping National-State Identity in Modern Russia 7-15

A. Vozmitel Prospects for the Development of the Union State of Russia and Belarus from Сommon People's View.    16-28

Political Processes and Practices

O. Ivanov The role of the Institute of Public Control of Russia in Resolving Socio-Political Conflicts            29-35

A. Bardakov The Reasons and the Foundations of Social and Cultural Migration                35-40

Ju. Drozdova, G. Lysenko Multiethnic Region in Contemporary Research Discourse        41-46

V. Shilov Elections of the Governor of the Perm Region of 2017: Results and Perspectives           47-52

Communications and Society

A. Sokolov, I. Levchenko Features of Attraction of Resources by Protesters        53-59

A. Chugunov Cooperation of Citizens with the Authority as a Feedback Channel in E-Participation: Institutionalization Issues         59-66

Ya. Kalish The Information Policy of the EEU – Digital Present and Future             67-71

Youth of Russia – 21st Century

A. Magranov, L. Detochenko Social and Economic Situation in Russia: Modern Students’ Opinions and Estimates                            72-82

B. Meskhi, V. Filonenko, L. Skachkova, Yu. Filonenko Problems and Paradoxes of Employment of Students in the Assessments of Employers (Based on the Results of a Sociological Study)      83-90

N. Dergunova, D. Lukafina Civil Identification of the Russian Youth in the Conditions of Migration            91-96

I. Snezhkova Ethno-Psychological Research: "People and Power in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus" in the Perception of the Russian Youth      97-100

E. Aralova, I. Polozhentseva Philosophical Questions of Self-Consciousness and Factors of Patriotic Self-Determination of Youth : Pedagogical Aspect     100-104

World Economy: New Analytics

I. Gladkov Foreign Trade Relations of the European Union at the Present Stage: “The Turtle Effect”                        105-111


I. Savchenko, L. Snegireva, S. Ustinkin Historical Memory in Emotional and Scientific Perception             112-122

Domestic Experience

S. Kovalenko The Managerial Elite of the Far East in the Era of Systemic Transformation of the 1990s: Value-Identification as an Inside Look 123-129

A. Shipilov The Russian Compatriots: Evolution of the Status, Attention and Understanding        129-135

I. Tsyrempilova Modern Historiography of the Relationships between Regional Authorities and the Russian Orthodox Church on the Territory of the Baikal Region in the Soviet Period                         135-140

B. Zhalsanova, D. Zhambalov Legal Regulation of Exile in Siberia as a Criminal Punishment in the Russian State in the 17th - First Half of the 19th Centuries       141-147

Foreign Experience

Ji Yuesheng Priorities of Foreign Cultural Policy of China in the Globalization Conditions History                148-154

K. Demichev The Origins of Statehood: the Concept of Power of the Ruler in Sikhisme in the XVII-XVIII Century                155-161

E. Nolev Perceptions of Power and Statehood in the Legal Heritage of the Mongolian Peoples of the 13th – 17th Centuries  162-166

Focus on Politics

D. Ezhov Strategy of Silence: Summing-up (To the Analysis of the Results of the Municipal Elections in Moscow)             167-169


N. Asonov Successful Counterrevolution of 1917              170-174




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