Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Bormotova T.M., Mazaev Yu.N., Yudina T.N. Institutional problems of modern Russian society. Ethnosocium and interethnic culture. 2023. No. 1 (175). Pp. 18-36.

Bormotova T.M., Mazaev Yu.N., Yudina T.N. Institutional problems of modern Russian society. Ethnosocium and interethnic culture. 2023. No. 1 (175). Pp. 18-36.
ISSN 2072-3091
DOI 10.24412/2072-3091-2023-175-18-36

Posted on site: 16.10.23

Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 16.10.2023)


The study is based on a secondary analysis of the results of sociological monitoring of the legitimization of political power. The purpose of the study is to identify the main institutional problems that undermine the legitimacy of the government and political institutions. The logic and strategy of the research is determined by the search for factors determining the legitimacy of political institutions. The main result of the study was the construction of key indicators reflecting the reaction of society to institutional changes in modern Russia. The main conclusion of the study is the position that the basis for overcoming the institutional problems of Russian society and improving the efficiency of public administration is the development of the institutional environment by creating mechanisms for coordinating interests within the framework of public dialogue. This vector of development will make it possible to overcome the institutional traps hiding under the simulacra of democratic institutions arising on the basis of the institutional matrix of Russian statehood.