Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Schenina O.G. A new network man in the policy space: risks, challenges or productive effect? Central Russian Bulletin of Social Sciences. 2023. Vol. 18. No. 5. Рp. 36-62.

Schenina O.G. A new network man in the policy space: risks, challenges or productive effect? Central Russian Bulletin of Social Sciences. 2023. Vol. 18. No. 5. Рp. 36-62.
ISSN 2071-2367
DOI 10.22394/2071-2367-2023-18-5-36-62

Posted on site: 05.12.23



Aim. Analysis of the impact of socio-political transformations of society on a modern person from the perspective of the formation of a new network person. Methodology. In the article, based on the application of the methodology of the network approach, the anthropological method, as well as content analysis and analytical approach, an attempt is made to substantiate the formation of a new network person in the conditions of a new social reality of a network society. Results. It is shown that the network society changes the space of human existence, transforms the external environment and has a significant impact on his consciousness and behavior. People's socio-political practices are acquiring a new format under the influence of digitalization and networking. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that the new network person is becoming a determining factor of social development in the conditions of deep transformations of the modern world. Research implications. The assumption is substantiated that modern political processes have a significant impact on the worldview of the new networked person, his communications, practices, social ties and relationships. The demand for knowledge about a person and the world around him is increasing, as well as the importance of social and humanitarian knowledge in general.  The author suggests the contours of the analysis of a new network person, who in the conditions of a new social reality becomes a network human capital.