Shakhov O.F. Attracting private investment in the DPR through the use of the public-private partnership mechanism. Bulletin of the Institute of Economic Research. 2023. No. 4 (32). Pp. 40-52.

Shakhov O.F. Attracting private investment in the DPR through the use of the public-private partnership mechanism. Bulletin of the Institute of Economic Research. 2023. No. 4 (32). Pp. 40-52.
ISSN 2519-2019
DOI нет

Posted on site: 25.01.24

Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 25.01.2023)


In October 2022, the following regions became part of Russia: Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), Lugansk People's Republic, Kherson and Zaporozhye, called “new”. This paper presents mechanisms for attracting private investment into new regions using the example of one of them – the DPR. Particular attention in the framework of the presented work is paid to the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 224-FZ “On public-private partnership, municipal-private partnership in the Russian Federation” and its unification with the legislation of the DPR, which had already adopted its own the law on this issue is the Law of the Donetsk People’s Republic of August 11, 2017 No. 188-IНC “On public-private and municipal-private partnerships.” In this work, based on the use of the public-private partnership mechanism (Law No. 224-FZ of July 13, 2015), an organizational and legislative scheme is proposed for attracting construction organizations from Russian regions to carry out repair and construction work on the territory of the DPR (private investment in the DPR). The necessary scientific justification and practical recommendations on this issue are presented in previously published studies.

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