Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Demidenko S.Yu. Ethics and responsibility of a sociologist in the context of contradiction of value positions (on the example of attitude towards special military operation) ...

Demidenko S.Yu. Ethics and responsibility of a sociologist in the context of contradiction of value positions (on the example of attitude towards special military operation) // Bulletin of Udmurt University. Sociology. Political Science. International Relations. 2023. Vol. 7, iss. 4. P. 425–434. (In Russ.)
ISSN 2587-6163
DOI 10.31857/S013216250028531-7

Posted on site: 01.02.24

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Issues are raised about how a sociologist can remain a scientist in conditions of contradiction between social and professional value systems. For example, the situation of the beginning of a special military operation in Ukraine is taken, which can serve as a marker of sociologists’ attitude to the events taking place. It is assumed that a sociologist, being a researcher of social processes, should study and interpret the results, trying to be objective in relation to the object of study. However, how is this possible? After all, in addition to the role of a professional, everyone has their own personal position (political position), is a member of a particular community and can represent its interests. In political statements, any sociologist is not in the field of science, but in politics. However, in science, every researcher must curb "social passions" as much as possible, not violate scientific ethics proper, not destroy science itself, thus, we are talking about compliance with the principles of classical epistemology. It is difficult to find a universal principle for solving this contradiction, given the recent increase of subjectivity in scientific knowledge, but it is possible if scientific rules are observed: to present not only the result, but also the method, procedure for obtaining a scientific result; to formulate conclusions so that they can be verified. The sociologist's responsibility is, first of all, to control the influence of his/her own value position on the analysis of social reality.