Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Rostovskaya T.K., Naberushkina E.K. Young men with acquired disabilities: development of a research project. Bulletin of the South Russian State Technical University. Series: Socio-economic Sciences. 2024; 17(1): 99–109. (In Russ.). http: ...

Rostovskaya T.K., Naberushkina E.K. Young men with acquired disabilities: development of a research project. Bulletin of the South Russian State Technical University. Series: Socio-economic Sciences. 2024; 17(1): 99–109. (In Russ.).
ISSN 2075-2067
DOI 10.17213/2075-2067-2024-1-99-109

Posted on site: 13.03.24

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 13.03.2024)


The relevance of this project is related to the need to take government measures in relation to young people with acquired disabilities up to the age of 35 inclusive. The purpose of the study is to identify the factors that determine: the self-preservation, resource potential of young men with disabilities as part of the implementation of the Action Strategy for saving men and supporting responsible fatherhood,” developed in 2023 by a team of authors from among leading scientists, members of the Scientific Council “Demographic and Migration Problems of Russia "at the Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. These practices and types of behavior underlie the increase in population, saving men, preventing their premature mortality, forming a social norm/model of responsible fatherhood and strengthening the institution of a multi-generational traditional family as a fundamentally important resource for ensuring the national and demographic security of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is impossible to consider the self-preservation, marital, reproductive behavior of men and the practice of fatherhood without taking into account the economic and social activity of men with disabilities. The methodological basis of the study is represented by the basic concepts of self-preservation behavior, family well-being, quality of life of the population, and normalization of the lives of people with disabilities. The scientific methods used include comparative statistical analysis. Research results Demographic security, reproductive health and family well-being are becoming the most important goals of the state. This implies attention to socially vulnerable categories of citizens, young people experiencing difficulties in social integration. The implementation of the project is aimed at obtaining the following results: conducting a public examination of the quality of the living environment of young people experiencing integration difficulties; development of models and directions of targeted mobile social work with young men with disabilities; development of self-help and mutual support groups for young people who find themselves in difficult life situations; dissemination of programs for developing skills and abilities of independent living for young people with disabilities who have difficulties in integration.