Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Mukhanova M.N. Employment of villagers in the informal sector as social adaption in the rural labor market. In: Private and public in daily life of the population of Russia history and present time. Collection of materials of the international scientific conference ...

Mukhanova M.N. Employment of villagers in the informal sector as social adaption in the rural labor market. In: Private and public in daily life of the population of Russia history and present time. Collection of materials of the international scientific conference / editor-in-chief V.A. Veremenko. - St.Petersburg: Pushkin Leningrad State University, 2018. - vol.1. - P. 394-399.
ISBN 978-5-8290-1717-0

Posted on site: 21.03.18

Текст статьи.


The study presented in this article - which is a study of rural employment in the informal economy- relies on data from the following surveys of households and individuals carried out by Rosstat in 2011–2016 and commissioned by the Russian government. A decrease in the level of rural inhabitants employed in farming, together with an increase in other fields of the agro-industrial complex (AIC), lead to sectoral mobility (relocation), the transformation of rural social structure, and the development of an informal sector, one third of those employed in which are rural residents.