Mchedlova M.M. The future as apprehension (debate about the crisis of political science). Political science (RU), 2018, N 1, pp. 93-105.

Mchedlova M.M. The future as apprehension (debate about the crisis of political science). Political science (RU), 2018, N 1, pp. 93-105.

Posted on site: 28.06.18

Текст статьи на сайте Elibrary URL: (дата обращения 28.06.2018)


The article considers the basic problems of political epistemology. Modern complication of cognitive procedures, the exhaustion of traditionally-effective conceptual approaches, the transformation of the meaning of universals and of political concepts is a token the situation is rebuilt all of the supporting structures of political ontology. The debate about crisis theory and the new political realities correlated with the linear erosion of political and ideological projects, the principal the heterogeneity of the world and knowledge, reflecting ambiguity of the future and the anxiety of expectations

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