Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Pavlova T. (2018) Deliberation as the constitution factor of modern politics field. Political Science, Issue 2, pp.73-94

Pavlova T. (2018) Deliberation as the constitution factor of modern politics field. Political Science, Issue 2, pp.73-94
ISSN 1998-1775

Posted on site: 03.09.18

Текст статьи на сайте URL: (дата обращения 03.09.2018)


The article analyzes the main theoretical approaches to the study of deliberation and deliberative democracy as a new paradigm of modern democratic theory and political theory in general. The article considers the main normative principles of the deliberation as a new mode of political participation and concludes that the deliberation is a model of modern politics; the conditions under which the implementation of such a model is possible in contemporary Russia are formulated as well.