Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Divisenko K.S. Testing of a brief Religious coping scale (Brief RCOPE). Telescope: Sociological and Marketing Research Journal, 2018, Issue. 5, pp. 13-18.

Divisenko K.S. Testing of a brief Religious coping scale (Brief RCOPE). Telescope: Sociological and Marketing Research Journal, 2018, Issue. 5, pp. 13-18.
ISSN 1994-3776

Posted on site: 16.11.18


The article presents the preliminary results of testing a brief version of the “Religious Coping” methodology (Brief RCOPE) as part of a study of the subjective well-being of believers. The main purpose of the study was also to identify factors affecting the use of religious coping by believers. The technique was tested on a sample of believers (evangelical Christians, n = 233). The results confirmed the presence of two main types of religious conquest: positive and negative. It has been revealed that the use of religious coping by believers is significantly influenced by certain forms of religious behavior, as well as social capital and religious socialization.