Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Yanitsky O.N. The biosphere and sociosphere: How to study their interrelationships. Social sciences and contemporary world, 2019, Issue 1, pp. 178-189.

Yanitsky O.N. The biosphere and sociosphere: How to study their interrelationships. Social sciences and contemporary world, 2019, Issue 1, pp. 178-189.
ISSN 0869-0499
DOI 10.31857/S086904990003947-3

Posted on site: 20.09.19



The aim of the article is critical analysis of “governed evolution” concept as a theoretical instrument for the surmounting of coming ecological crisis. In spite of the stands of Vl. Soloviev, Vl. Vernadsky, D. Mendeleev and some others who looked for ways of transition of the biosphere into the noosphere on the ground of a synthesis of natural and social sciences, the biologists, the authors of the “governed evolution” concept tried to reduce a description and dynamics of the global sociobiotechnical system (hereafter, the SBT-system) to a biological approach using the triad the “producents-consuments-reducents.” Such approach is nothing more than the form of biological hegemony (biotechnocratism). To my mind, the approach of civic organizations who study the interactions of natural, social and technical agents (factors) is much more adequate because the civic activists are the insiders of the above complex structures and processes. Or using Vernadsky's motto they are the insiders of the very depths of life. Their conceptual comprehension of the above processes corresponds to their nonlinear micro and macro-dynamics in space and time. Accordingly, the conceptual apparatus has to correspond to the pace of the global SBT-dynamics and a value system of global community has to take into account ongoing transformations. At best, the development of the science, practice and the media have to develop hand in hand. It's a time to overcome a mono-disciplinary approach to such key notion of all sciences as social changes