Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Patsiorkovsky V. Adaptation strategies of various population groups to negative socio-economic conditions. In: Global challenges and regional development in the mirror of sociological dimensions: materials of the V int. scientific-practical internet conf. (Vologda, March 23–27, 2020): in 2 parts. - Part 1. - Vologda: FGBUN VolRC RAS, 2020. - P. 88-94.

Patsiorkovsky V. Adaptation strategies of various population groups to negative socio-economic conditions. In: Global challenges and regional development in the mirror of sociological dimensions: materials of the V int. scientific-practical internet conf. (Vologda, March 23–27, 2020): in 2 parts. - Part 1. - Vologda: FGBUN VolRC RAS, 2020. - P. 88-94.
ISBN 978-5-93299-483-2 (I ч.)
DOI нет

Posted on site: 01.12.20

Текст статьи/сборника на сайте конференции URL: (дата обращения 01.12.2020)


The purpose of this work analyzes the adaptation strategies of the population as one of the most noticeable areas of change in the sphere of labor relations and in the labor market at the present time. The basic hypothesis of the study is formulated as follows: adaptive behavioral strategies are implemented in close unity with the household and represent the reaction of the economically active (self-employed) part of the population to the constantly deteriorating living conditions during the formation of a multi-structured capitalist economy. The object of observation is individual adaptation strategies that have received the greatest distribution and are already well understood in the public sphere. They are presented in order of decreasing prevalence.

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