41st World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology “Sociology in Its Global Contexts: International Institute of Sociology at 120”
Uppsala, Sweden, June 9-10, 2013
Participants from FCTAS RAS
Oral presentation "Trends in the professionalization of preschool educators and teachers" and managing the session "Professionalization during the period of local and global transformations"
Oral presentation "Preschool teachers in a changing institutional context: reforms and perspectives of the professional group"
Oral presentation "Analysis of the process of legal regulation of the activities of traditional medicine practitioners in Moscow" and managing the session "Professionalization during the period of local and global transformations"
Oral presentation "The “outsider” problem in the study of educational opportunities for disabled children"
Oral presentation "Possibilities of network theory and social niche theory in the study of religious communities in Russia and abroad" and managing the session ""The outsider" in the post-secular world

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