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  1. Bezrukova, G.A. Novikova, T.A. Novikova, V.S.
    (2023) Bezrukova, G.A., Novikova, T.A.& Novikova, V.S. Socio-medical Aspects of Labor Longevity of the Rural Population. In: Maximova, S.G. (eds) Complex Social Systems in Dynamic Environments. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer, Cham, 365.
  2. Romanyukha, A.A. Novikov, K.A. Avilov, K.K. и др.
    (2023) Romanyukha, A.A., Novikov, K.A., Avilov, K.K., Nestik, T.A., Sannikova, T.E. The trade-off between COVID-19 and mental diseases burden during a lockdown: Mathematical modeling of control measures. Infectious Disease Modelling, 8(2), 403-414.
  3. Novikov, K.
    (2022) Novikov, K. Quantifying the Effect of COVID-19 Vaccination Strategies: Agent-Based Approach. In: 15th International Conference Management of large-scale system development (MLSD), 26-28 September 2022.