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  1. Van der Velde, L.
    (2022) Van der Velde, L. Statistical Gender Discrimination: Evidence from Young Workers Across Four Decades and 56 Countries. GRAPE, WP#66.
  2. Tyrowicz, J. Van der Velde, L.
    (2019) Tyrowicz J., Van der Velde L. When the opportunity knocks: large structural shocks and gender wage gaps. IOS Working Papers. No. 379.
  3. Tyrowicz, J. Van der Velde, L.
    (2018) Tyrowicz, J., & Van der Velde, L. . Labor Reallocation and Demographics. Journal of Comparative Economics. Vol.46, Issue 1. Pp.381-412.
  4. Tyrowicz, J. Van der Velde, L.
    (2018) Tyrowicz, J., Van der Velde, L. . Labor Reallocation and Demographics (No. 02/2018). IAAEU Discussion Paper Series in Economics.
  5. Tyrowicz, J. Van der Velde, L.
    (2017) Tyrowicz, J., Van der Velde, L. . Labor Reallocation and Demographics (No. 11249). Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA)
  6. Tyrowicz, J. Van der Velde, L.
    (2017) Tyrowicz, J., Van der Velde, L. . When the Opportunity Knocks: Large Structural Shocks and Gender Wage Gaps. GRAPE Working Papers No. 2. GRAPE Group for Research in Applied Economics.