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6851. How to decrease inequality in a health?

6852. Panfilova Yu.S. Channels of intergenerational social mobility in the Rostov region. Social and humanitarian knowledge, 2016, No. 12, pp. 251-257.

6853. Working-Class Career as Choice Biography // The Russian Sociological Review, 2016, vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 9–48

6854. Elena Yu. Rozhdestvenskaya. Qualitative Methods of Online Research

6855. Features of public policy and public interests promotion: russian peculiarity

6856. Schenina O.G. Communication political resource consent. In Сonsent of the Political: from theory to practice : monograph / number of authors; under the editorship of Professor O. M. Mikhaуlenok. — Moscow : RUSYNS, 2016. - P. 115-132.

6857. Kuryukin A.N. Comprehensive legal analysis of economic innovations: internal and external factors. Topical issues of innovative economy [Aktual'nyye voprosy innovatsionnoy ekonomiki], 2016, № 13, pp. 9-18

6858. Consolidation of Russian society in crisis: opportunities and limitations (on materials of sociological research)

6859. Denisova G.S., Panfilova Yu.S. Construction of civil identity in the education system: European and Russian accents. Social and humanitarian knowledge, 2016, No. 11, pp. 115-122.

6860.  The construction of the all-Russian identity in the context of interethnic and interreligious interaction: Monograph / resp. ed. Y.G. Volkov. Rostov on/D: Fund for Science and Education, 2016. - 244 p.

6861. Kukonkov P.I., Lubjanoj M.S., Ustinkin S.V. Konfliktogennaja activity of youth and social security of the region. Bulletin of the Academy of military sciences, 2016, №2 (55), pp. 121-127.

6862. Anikin V. A. Crisis and Russian National Identity. Monitoring of Public Opi ni on : Economic and Social Changes . 2016. No 5. P. 203— 232 .



6865. Mukomel V.I., Khaykin S.R. Crimean Tatars after the «Crimean Spring»: transformation of identities //Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2016. № 3. P. 51—68.

6866. Crimean tatars after the

6867. Xenopobes: who are they?

6868. Culture; future in present

6869. Manuilsky M. A. Cultural and anthropological determinants of terrorism // Chelovek. 2016. № 5. P. 20-29.

6870. The liberalization of the aging: theoretical illusions and empirical anomalies

6871. Local elites: are the local executives always dominate over the local legislatures?

6872.  Mass politics: institutional basis / ed. S.V.Patrushev.- M .: Political Encyclopedia, 2016.- 286 pp;., Ill. - (Political science of Russia).

6873. Massive open online course as an innovative model of education

6874. Cross-sector partnerships and non-profit sector as a resource of anti-crisis development // The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture. 2016. No. 4 (49). P. 11-23.

6875. Mental programs and models of political behaviour in modern society

6876. Markin V.V. Local government in the discourse of power and civil society: sociological aspect. In: The Formation and Development of Civil Society in the Russian Regions[Text]: Materials of all-Russian scientific-practical conference (Voronezh, April 22, 2016. Ed. by L. N. Alisova, V. I., Selyutin; Voronezh Institute of Economics and Social Management. - Voronezh: Izdatel'sko-poligraficheskiy tsentr Nauchnaya kniga, 2016, pp. 24-31.

6877. Disabled people in social policy of russian state

6878. Rusakova M.M. Place of sociology in the system of the humanities and natural science approaches to the study of prostition. Society: sociology, psychology,education. 2016. № 12. P. 33-36.

6879. Methods of Assessment of Individual Scientific Achievement in the System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia // Proceedings of the Management Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia. 2016. Vol. 2. P. 95-99.

6880. Kornilova M.V. Methodical Experiment as a Way of Approbation New Technologies and Organization of Monitoring the Level and Quality of Life of Different Groups of Elder Muscovites. Vestnik NSUEM. №4. 2016. P. 283 - 294.

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