Power, 2016, No 06


The State Policy M. Vilisov The Role of Legislation on Strategic Planning in Public Policy

Zh. Dankova Analytical Activity Problematization in the Public Administration Sector

T. Zhuravleva Latent Networks in Public Policy


The Political Mosaic of Russia: Current Perspective

I. Grashchenkov On the Political Examination in Russia

M. Meyer Russian State Duma Election 2016

A. Kochetkov Who will Win in the Elections to the State Duma in 2016?



O. Bel'kov June 22: the Meaning and Lessons


Main Topic

A. Shatilov, P. Seleznev A Political and Economic Approach to Training Political Scientists in Higher Educational Institutions

E. Natashkina, A. Slepukhin Russian Higher Education in the Context of Integration Processes

D. Rubvalter, A. Libkind, S. Shuvalov, M. Kandokhova Basic Patterns of Development for Russian Social Science and Humanities researches


Political Processes and Practices

A. Rybakov, D. Kvon Multiculturalism as Social Theory and Political Practice

A. Vesnin Technology of Formation of Public Opinion

A. Sazhnov Features of the State Policy with regard to Human Rights Organizations in Modern Russia of 2000-2015

V. Bazarov Russian-Mongolian Relations in the Post-Soviet Period: Deepening of Cooperation

V. Zhalsanova Farm Laborers as a Social Phenomenon of a Contemporary Russian Village



I. Gladkov International Commodity Trade 2001-2015: Trends and “Failures” in 2015

O. Khlopov Features of the Implementation of the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation at the Present Stage

A. Mozgovaya Social Recovery after Disasters at Nuclear Sites: Sociological Support of Decision Making

S. Klyuchanskaya Russia and ASEAN: Promising Areas of Cooperation

A. Posokhova Business Acumen as a Characteristic for Competitiveness of Entrepreneurs

N. Kleshchina Pun as a Means of Manipulation in Headlines of the English Language Newspapers

V. Bykov Construction of the Gas Pipeline Elshanka-Saratov: Distinctive Features of Foundation and Management



M. Kashina Scientific Approach in the Discussion about the Importance of the Gender Studies and the Gender Legislation for Russia


Ideas and Meanings

L. Nasonova, L. Lazebnyi Power and Political: Evolution of Categorical Status

G. Marchenko Plato about the Prophecy as Political Advisory Work

L. Motorina The Problem of Patriotic Education of Youth in Philosophical Views of N. A. Dobrolyubova in the Context of modern times


Religion, Society, State

A. Khoshev Legal Status of the Christian Churches in the Muslim States of the Middle Ages



T. Anisimova Methodical and Procedural aspects of Empirical Sociological Research of Social Adaptation of Students

E. Lazukova A social Portrait of Career Orientated Officials

T. Badmatsyrenov Sociology of Buddhism in Russia

A. Nesterov Theory and Practice of Adaptive Re-Socialization of Minor Convicts Serving Sentences in Places of Deprivation of Liberty: Sociological Aspect


Domestic Experience

I. Grashchenkov The Impact of the Political Struggle within the Bolshevik Party on the Formation of Literary Creativity in the USSR

V. Bashkuev Export of Soviet Medicine in the 1920s: Medical and Sanitary Expeditions of the RSFSR People’s Commissariat of Health in the Mongolian People’s Republic

I. Shatilo The Arakcheev Military Settlements in the Context of the Theory of Disarmament


Foreign Experience

V. Shishikin Evolution of the Control System of the British Coal Branch in the Middle of the 20th – the Beginning of the 21st Centuries


Focus on Politics

A. Isamatova Relations between Russia and Kyrgyzstan as a Reflection of Regional Transformation of Central Asia



S. Mel’kov, N. Ryazhapov Who is not a Patriot in Russia?


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