Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

2017, No 20


Khaliy I.A. Presenting This Issue. P. 9-12

The Theme of the Issue: Sociology of education: the situation of concrete social groups
Kolesnikova Elena Mikhailovna, Mitrokhina Ekaterina Kindergarten and school teachers on working conditions and organizational support. P. 13-34
Ishkineеva Farida, Ozerova Karina, Kaveeva Adelia, Akhmetova Simbul, Fursova Valentina The international nature of modern education: foreign students’ adaptation to Russian universities. P. 35-54
Sinitza Arseny Dynamic of preschool children groups in the regions of Russia. P. 55-74
Actors of modernization
Виттенберг Е. Я. Social responsibility of Russian business during economic crisis. P. 76-113
Abramov Roman Soviet engineering and technical intellectuals from the 1960’s to the 1980’s: Searching for the boundaries of collective consciousness . P. 114-130
To the methodology of scientific research
Rutkevich E. D. Religion in the global space: approaches, definitions and issues in Western sociology. P. 131-161
Skobelina Natalia Institutional analysis as a promising direction for the evaluation of social movements (an analytical overview). P. 162-175

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