XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology «Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities»


Toronto, Canada, July 15-21, 2018

Participants from FCTAS RAS

Oral Presentation «Educational and Status Positioning for 10 Years after Graduation from Secondary Educational Institutions»

 Distributed Paper «Cohort Analysis of the Education Mobility in Russia»

Oral Presentation «Communicative Practices of Rural Youth in Russia in the Light of «Cellular De-Urbanization»

Oral Presentation «Young People in the Russian Labour Market: Challenges and Responses»

Distributed Paper «The Fall of Primary School Teachers’ Authority»

Discussant «Paradoxes of Inequality: Higher Education, Minorities, and Job Market» 

Distributed Paper «Professional Dynasties and the State: Changes in the Relations»

Distributed Paper «Tertiary Education and Labour Market: Towards Ontological Inequality»

Oral Presentation «Looking at Childhood Protection System through the Lens of Children’s Life Trajectories»

Oral Presentation «Social Justice in National Contexts: Neoliberalism and Youth Fortunes in the Brics Countries»

Oral Presentation «Sociology of Youth in Russia: Historical Experience and Current Approaches»


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