Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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3451. Toshchenko Zh.T. The political clowns (buffoons) //The Political Conceptology. 2015. №1. Pp. 91-110.

3452. Political terrorism in Italy: a forgotten history

3453. Scherbina V.V., Popova E.P. Rationalization of management in a business organization. Part 1. //Personality . Culture. Society. 2015, V. XV11 №№ 85-86

3454. Scherbina V.V., Popova E.P. Rationalization of managemant in a business organization. Part 2. // Personality. Cultare. Society, 2015, №№ 87-88. P. 149-162.

3455. Svirnov A.I. Employment challenges faced by young men after performing military service by conscription // Theory and practice of social development. № 7. p. 19-30.

3456. Simonyan R. Professional and ethical human qualities of the Russian reformers // Horizons of Economics, 2015, № 3

3457. Gasparishvili A., Kroukhmaleva O., Savina N. Professional Plans of the University Graduates and Labour market / A. Gasparishvili, O. Kroukhmaleva, N. Savina // Obrazovatelnye Tekhnologii. -2015. N 1. P. 59-69

3458. The psychological portrait of the creators of the economic model of post-Soviet Russia // Science. Culture. Society. 2015. №3, Pp. 149-163.

3459. Romodanovsky K., Mukomel V. Regulating Migration Processes: Problems of Transition from Reactive to Systematic Policy // Social Sciences and Contemporary World. N 5. 2015. p.5-18

3460. Vittenberg Ye.Ya. The Russian Rulers: The Problem of Social Responsibility in a Historical Retrospective // Russia and the contemporary world,2015, №2

3461. Karavay A.V. Russian Workes: Financial Behavior and Settings // Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2015. №2 (125). pp. 83-95

3462. Biizhanova E.K. Russia-Kazakhstan Bordr-Zone: Sociological Analysis // Economic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast, 2015, no 6 (42), pp. 224-231

3463. Russia and the European Union: the time and place of the meeting can not be changed

3464. Their Other: Russian domestic inoethnic migrants in the Moscow megapolis // Federalism. N1 (77). 2015. pp. 79-92

3465. The Rural Youth in Russia:The Present and the Future // Russia and the contemporary world. 2015. №3. P. 26-42.

3466. Mchedlova M.M. Social consolidation of Russian society: the role of religion // Bulletin of RUSSIАN NATION. 2015. № 3. (41)

3467. Kukonkov P.i. Social Tension and konfliktogennaja Activity. Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod University. N.i. Lobachevsky. Social Science series. 2015. # 4. C. 88-95.

3468. Atanasova A.A., Georgiev M.D., Social Entrepreneurs and Marginal People-Mediators of Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Economics. Sociology. Management, 2015, Issue 4 (17), pp. 120-124.

3469. Andreev A.L. Specialization of civilizations and attractors of the global development // Obschestvennye nauki i sovremennost. 2015. № 1.

3470. Mareeva, S. Social justice and inequalities in views of Russians // Journal of Institutional Studies. 2015. V.7, #2. Pp. 109-119.

3471. Alexander B. Veber. Passions about Climate. Who and Why is against the Fight against Global Warming?

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