Kanygin G. V., Poltinnikova M. S. Terminological graph of context-oriented ontology. Information processes. 2021. Vol. 21. No. 2. Pp. 108-116.

Kanygin G. V., Poltinnikova M. S. Terminological graph of context-oriented ontology. Information processes. 2021. Vol. 21. No. 2. Pp. 108-116.
ISSN 1819-5822
DOI 10.53921/18195822_2021_21_2_108
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46211888

Posted on site: 02.12.21

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: http://www.jip.ru/2021/108-116-2021.pdf (дата обращения 02.12.2021)


The article continues the cycle of works on the mathematical model of a context-oriented ontology: the construction of a terminological graph of CO ontology and the associated calculation method and algorithms are described. In addition, a new rule for matching contexts is described: the rule of the context domain and the algorithm for constructing the context domain in the process of constructing a terminological graph. The construction of a terminological graph is illustrated step by step using the example of a conceptual explanation of the definition of the concept of branching. The example shows how the division of the generated graph into different semantic subgraphs using contexts works. The result of the work of the DIAGOGUE test program, which uses the described algorithms, is given.

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