Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Divisenko K.S. Family in the biographical project of high school students. In: Russian family and the welfare of children: [monograph ] ...

Divisenko K.S. Family in the biographical project of high school students. In: Russian family and the welfare of children: [monograph ]/V.P. Avdeev, O.N. Burmykina [and others]; Otv. ed. I.I. Eliseev; FNISS RAS. — M.; St. Petersburg: FNISS RAS, 2021. P. 80-111.

Глава из книги: Российская семья и благополучие детей: [монография] / В.П. Авдеева, О.Н. Бурмыкина [и др.]; отв. ред. И.И. Елисеева ; ФНИСЦ РАН. — М.; СПб.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2021. — 304 с.
ISBN 978-5-89697-360-7
DOI 10.19181/monogr.978-5-89697-360-7.2021

Posted on site: 09.12.21



In the biographical design study, the focus is on the construction by high school students of the trajectory of their own life based on existing experience and the desired (expected) future. A comparative study of the life plans of high school students on the materials of two surveys showed that students in 2018-19, together with an increase in life claims, are noticeably higher and a willingness to use various resources and strategies to implement their life plans. This change in their biographical project can be interpreted as a transition from an infantile view of the future to a realistic one. The identified models of planned (desired) life, set by an orientation towards patriarchy and egalitarianism, as well as reproductive intentions, turned out to be connected not only with professional plans, but also with social factors outlining the various life experiences of high school students.