Ledeneva V.Yu. Influence Of Labor Migration On Ethnosocial Structure In National Regions Of Russia. In: Russia: Trends and Development Prospects. Yearbook. Issue 16. Part 2: XII International Scientific and Practical Conference Regions of Russia: Development Strategies and Mechanisms for Implementation of Priority National Projects and Programs, conference Scientific and Technological Development of Russia: Priorities, Problems, Solutions ...

Ledeneva V.Yu. Influence Of Labor Migration On Ethnosocial Structure In National Regions Of Russia. In: Russia: Trends and Development Prospects. Yearbook. Issue 16. Part 2: XII International Scientific and Practical Conference Regions of Russia: Development Strategies and Mechanisms for Implementation of Priority National Projects and Programs, conference Scientific and Technological Development of Russia: Priorities, Problems, Solutions / RAS. INION. Dept. scientific. cooperation; Resp. ed. IN AND. Gerasimov. - M., 2021. - Part 2. P. 669-671.
ISBN 978-5-248-01003-5
DOI нет
РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47172131&pff=1

Posted on site: 29.12.21



The problem of the impact of labor migration on the ethnosocial structure in the national regions of Russia is associated with the adaptation and integration of migrants in a new ethnocultural environment and, despite a large amount of empirical work, is one of the most difficult, since it transforms not only the socio-cultural and personal space of an individual migrant, but also leads to changes in the host society.

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