Shushpanova I.S. Current concerns and problems of the Russian civil society. In: Russian civil society and State in the context of the pandemic and parliamentary elections. V. K. Levashov, N. M. Velikaya, I. S. Shushpanova [et al.]; executive editor V. K. Levashov. – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2021. P. 7-18. URL: https: ...

Shushpanova I.S. Current concerns and problems of the Russian civil society. In: Russian civil society and State in the context of the pandemic and parliamentary elections. V. K. Levashov, N. M. Velikaya, I. S. Shushpanova [et al.]; executive editor V. K. Levashov. – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2021. P. 7-18. URL:

Глава из книги: Российское гражданское общество и государство в условиях пандемии и парламентских выборов: [монография] / В. К. Левашов, Н. М. Великая, И. С. Шушпанова [и др.] ; отв. ред. В. К. Левашов; ФНИСЦ РАН. – М.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2021. – 110 с. URL:
ISBN 978-5-89697-385-0

Posted on site: 08.01.22



The coronavirus pandemic, which began in early 2020, has exacerbated socially significant problems for Russians and the contradictions that have developed in society. In the conditions of an unfavorable epidemiological situation, the authorities have adjusted their plans for the implementation of mechanisms of national projects, aiming them at maintaining the level and improving the quality of life of citizens in various spheres. The results of a sociological study conducted in June 2021 show a high level of anxiety in Russian society about its economic situation. The increase in prices and tariffs, the high cost of living in general, were still the main socio-economic concerns in the life of Russian civil society. According to a number of indicators of citizens' anxiety, the issues characterizing the state of the welfare state in Russia were actualized. In part, the actions of the authorities to contain the waves of the pandemic and maintain the well-being of Russians were positively assessed by civil society and were reflected in a decrease in the values of anxiety levels.

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