Russian Society: Architectonics of Civilizational Development: [monograph]

Russian Society: Architectonics of Civilizational Development: [monograph] / R. G. Braslavskiy, V. V. Galindabayeva [et al.]; ed. by V. V. Kozlovskiy; FNISTC RAS. - Moscow; St Petersburg: FCTAS RAS, 2021. — 340 p.
ISBN 978-5-89697-375-1
DOI 10.19181/monogr.978-5-89697-375-1.2021

Posted on site: 11.01.22

Текст книги.


The monograph is devoted to the study of the changing foundations, structural features and prospects of civilizational development of Russian society in a dynamic modern world. The focus is on the key issues of the origins, foundations, resources and dynamics of the civilizational constitution of Russia. The theoretical basis for studying the architectonics of socio-structural, cultural, and institutional changes in conremporary Russian society has become a civilizational approach. In civilizational analysis, one of the fundamental theoretical and methodological tools is the conception of multiple modernities, which is actively used to reveal the mechanisms and forms of historical transformation of Soviet and post-Soviet society. The critical study of the diversity of historical types of order, way of life, identity of Russian society and culture is aimed at understanding strategic paths, scenarios and the potential of their civilizational evolution. For all those interested in the historical fate, civilizational originality and the place of Russian society in the world civilizational process.


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