Kabanova E. V. Standard of living of the population and demographic development of the region. Bulletin of Eurasian Science. 2021. Vol. 13. № 6. URL: https: ...

Kabanova E. V. Standard of living of the population and demographic development of the region. Bulletin of Eurasian Science. 2021. Vol. 13. № 6. URL: https://esj.today/PDF/12ECVN621.pdf. DOI:10.15862/12ECVN621
ISSN 2588-0101
DOI 10.15862/12ECVN621

Posted on site: 13.01.22

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: https://esj.today/PDF/12ECVN621.pdf (дата обращения 13.01.2022)


Depopulation of the population in Russia and its regions has been widely discussed in scientific circles in order to study and identify the causes of the current demographic problem. According to the author, the demographic development of the region is largely directly influenced by the standard of living of the population: economic factors (the level of material well-being, employment of household members, housing security, tightness, etc.) determine the demographic behavior of the population (reproductive, self-preservation, marital and migration). Of course, when studying this dependence, it is also worth taking into account the significant role of values, life position, attitudes of a person (family). However, the lack of a reliable job, dissatisfaction with it, the lack of stable and decent earnings, own housing and, in general, uncertainty about the future are restrictive factors when choosing a strategy for demographic behavior. The article analyzes the current standard of living of the population of the Republic of Bashkortostan, its material well-being according to official statistics, and also developed a system of indicators for the subjective assessment of the standard of living of the population. The assessment of the demographic situation in the region (based on the indicators of fertility, mortality, life expectancy, etc.), as well as demographic behavior of the population on the example of reproductive behavior is given. The study proved the existence of a direct relationship between fertility rates, reproductive behavior of the population and the main indicators of the standard of living of the population: first of all, the availability of reliable, well-paid stable work, confidence in the future affects people's reproductive plans and attitudes. A stable labor market, the efficiency of workplaces, decent wages should be the basis of social regional policy to stimulate the birth rate as the main state priority of socio-economic development of the region and the country as a whole.

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