Smidovich G.S. Integration of Migrants in the Era of Digital Globalization and Virtual Migration of Labor Resources. Scientific Review. Series 2. Human sciences. 2021. No. 2. P. 30-41. DOI:10.26653 ...

Smidovich G.S. Integration of Migrants in the Era of Digital Globalization and Virtual Migration of Labor Resources. Scientific Review. Series 2. Human sciences. 2021. No. 2. P. 30-41. DOI:10.26653/2076-4685-2021-2-03
ISSN 2076-4685
DOI 10.26653/2076-4685-2021-2-03

Posted on site: 18.01.22



Due to the change in the global economic and political paradigm and the increasing international competition for labor resources, it is proposed to consider integration contracts as a connecting link for the transition from the national to the individual level of regulation of the integration of migrants. Localization and individualization of the production process associated with global digitalization, the virtual migration of labor resources and labor change the attitude to integration, its mechanism and the need for social integration as such. The need to integrate into a new society disappears, and we can already talk about exclusively labor structural integration. It is worth considering how the process of individualization and localization of production processes affects migrants, or rather, their integration. Does the mobility of labor resources in the era of digitalization complicate the process of integrating migrants, makes it easier, makes it unnecessary or, most likely, modifies this complex integral process? What changes has digitalization already had on the integration process, what are happening now and what will happen as the information exchange, labor mobility, change of production algorithms and the cross-border nature of global economic processes and its participants accelerate? How digital globalization and virtual migration have affected the mobility of labor resources and the integration of migrants and how they will affect them in the future - this is the main issue of this article.

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