Kriesberg L., Titarenko L. (2021) Dialog s klassikom (k 95-letiyu amerikanskogo sotsiologa konflikta Louisa Kriesberga) [Dialogue with the classic (to the 95th anniversary of the American sociologist of the conflict, Professor Louis Kriesberg)]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 24(1): 7–28 (in Russian). https: ...

Kriesberg L., Titarenko L. (2021) Dialog s klassikom (k 95-letiyu amerikanskogo sotsiologa konflikta Louisa Kriesberga) [Dialogue with the classic (to the 95th anniversary of the American sociologist of the conflict, Professor Louis Kriesberg)]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 24(1): 7–28 (in Russian).
ISSN 1029-8053
DOI 10.31119/jssa.2021.24.1.1

Posted on site: 24.01.22



The article is devoted to the upcoming 95th anniversary of the famous American sociologist, classic of the sociology of conflict, Professor Louis Kriesberg. During his long life Kriesberg met and collaborated with Robert Merton and Charles Tilly, was engaged in public opinion polls and consulted American presidents on the problems of resolving international conflicts, he also took part in international conferences of the highest level and prestigious sociological committees on conflict resolution. In a dialogue genre, Kriesberg talks about his life path, his teachers and colleagues, reflects on the role of the sociology of conflict in the context of a scientific discipline. He tells about his professional development and his life. Kriesberg analyzes the concepts that he has created over the years of his professional activity, expresses his attitude to the problems he faces.

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