Lisichkin V.A., Tskhovrebov E.S., Prokhotsky Y.M. (2021) Strategy of environmentally oriented scientific and technical policy. Competence. No. 9-10. Pp. 32-41.

Lisichkin V.A., Tskhovrebov E.S., Prokhotsky Y.M. (2021) Strategy of environmentally oriented scientific and technical policy. Competence. No. 9-10. Pp. 32-41.
ISSN 1993-8780
DOI 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-9-32-41

Posted on site: 11.04.22

Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 11.04.2022)


Applying abstract-logical methods and conceptual modeling within the framework of a dialectical approach, we tried to make the first approximation to the solution of an urgent scientific problem: (a) to know what the object of construction, reconstruction, repair, maintenance will be conceptually as a house of the future from the point of view of modern ideas about ecology and the relevant terminology fixed in the current legislation, (b) what global transformations should occur. We have developed an ecological and resource conceptual model of the future as an innovative platform for a new environmentally oriented scientific and technical policy, conditions and prerequisites for its successful implementation within the framework of modern trends, goals, priorities of environmental, industrial, socio-economic development of Russia. The peculiarity of the presented model is the integration of social, economic, technical and environmental challenges with individual human interests to solve the main task of humanity - sustainable development, taking into account the priority of maintaining the equilibrium state of the Earth as a single ecological system.

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