Fadeev P.V. Historical and Cultural Ideas in the Formation of Russian Identity. In: The Substantial Basis of Russian Identity. Regional and Ethnocultural Сontexts : [monography] ...

Fadeev P.V. Historical and Cultural Ideas in the Formation of Russian Identity. In: The Substantial Basis of Russian Identity. Regional and Ethnocultural Сontexts : [monography] / L. M. Drobizheva, E. M. Arutyunova, M. A. Evseeva [et al.]; ed. by E. M. Arutyunova, S. V. Ryzhova. – M.: FNISTC RAS, 2021. P. 104-133.

Глава из книги: Содержательные основы российской идентичности. Региональный и этнокультурный контексты : [монография] / Л. М. Дробижева, Е. М. Арутюнова, М. А. Евсеева [и др.]; отв. ред. Е. М. Арутюнова, С. В. Рыжова; ФНИСЦ РАН. – М.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2021. – 288 с.
ISBN 978-5-89697-374-4

Posted on site: 07.06.22



The role of the historical and cultural component of Russian identity is considered. Based on the survey data, it is concluded that the role of the historical component as a consolidator of Russian identity remains high and is even growing. The authors note that the memory of military victories is currently the main historical consolidator in the identity of Russians, and the Victory in the Great Patriotic War remains the main reason for pride and a deeply personal experience for Russians of different nationalities. Comparative analysis shows that tragedies experienced together turn out to be less important for the mass consciousness than victories, although they are not completely forgotten. Based on the survey data, it is concluded that culture is still an important consolidator of Russian society, but we are not talking about high culture, but rather about mass, everyday culture.

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