Karepova S. G., Kostolomova M. V., Nekrasov S. V., Pinchuk A. N. Information security in the new social reality: key features and ways of preservation. Social’nye i gumanitarnye znanija. 2022. Vol. 8, No 2. P. 190-203. (in Russ.)
Karepova S. G., Kostolomova M. V., Nekrasov S. V., Pinchuk A. N. Information security in the new social reality: key features and ways of preservation. Social’nye i gumanitarnye znanija. 2022. Vol. 8, No 2. P. 190-203. (in Russ.)
ISSN 2412-6519
DOI 10.18255/2412-6519-2022-2-190-203
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=48650410
Posted on site: 23.06.22
The article deals with the aspect of the national security of the country including information security and its scientific-practical arrangements for consolidation and preservation, which appears to be relevant and enshrined in the regulatory state documents. The main content of the article considers both the key features of information security within various interdisciplinary national scientific studies and its normative consolidation. The article highlights information security in the current context that determines the bifurcational essence of Russia’s modern social reality. Special attention is paid to the social and psychological aspect of understanding the phenomenon leading to modern society’s consciousness. The authors note that the managerial implementation plan of information security has not been theoretically and practically thrashed out yet, and it is currently being paid insufficient attention to. The article presents a number of scientific-practical arrangements for information security consolidation at the societal level including the potential of such systemcreating factors as scientific, educational, lawmaking and others. Clearly, the list of the arrangements presented requires further elaboration and is not comprehensive. This research area is noted to have a prominent scientific potential and a high scientific-practical demand in the future. Enable GingerCannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browserDisable in this text fieldRephraseRephrase current sentenceEdit in Ginger×