Transformation of political relations in the process of interaction of network phenomena and hierarchical structures

Transformation of political relations in the process of interaction of network phenomena and hierarchical structures. Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2022. No. 3. Pp. 297-340.
ISSN 0869-8120
DOI 10.34823/SGZ.2022.3.51816

Posted on site: 13.08.22

Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL:№3%202022%20СГЗ.pdf 


The acceleration of global changes in all spheres of society (which is greatly facilitated by breakthroughs in technological fields) requires the scientific community to advance in the development of effective theoretical tools to navigate this changing world, to understand and anticipate the consequences of these changes and the driving forces of social change today. Prospects for the study of complex interactions and unpredictable models of the development of modern socio-political relations are associated with a significant analytical potential of network theory.



Михайленок О.М., Брега А.В., Зеленко Б.И., Люблинский В.В., Щенина О.Г., Назаренко А.В., Малышева Г.А., Воронкова О.А., Никовская Л.И., Шиманская Э.С., , Макушина Л.В.

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