Levashov V.K., Velikaya N.M., Shushpanova I.S. (2022). Citizens on the “Demography” national project implementation in Russia, Management Issues, no. 03, pp. 19–31. DOI: 10.22394 ...

Levashov V.K., Velikaya N.M., Shushpanova I.S. (2022). Citizens on the “Demography” national project implementation in Russia, Management Issues, no. 03, pp. 19–31. DOI: 10.22394/2304-3369-2022-3-19-31. URL: https://journal-management.com/issue/2022/03/2.
ISSN 2304-3369
DOI 10.22394/2304-3369-2022-3-19-31
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=49366033

Posted on site: 13.09.22

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: https://journal-management.com/issue/2022/03/2 (дата обращения 13.09.2022)


Sustainable development of the country links directly to the ensuring of demographic security and saving population. It actualizes exploring of the implementation of the national project Demography in the context of the entire system of state programs from the point of view of Russians. The authors set themselves the task of analyzing the opinions, views and assessments of Russian citizens of key aspects of the implementation and effectiveness of national projects, including the Demography program. The study analyzed a wide range of sources of information of a theoretical, practical and applied nature, legislative acts and documents of the authorities of the Russian Federation. The empirical basis was the results of the author's sociological monitoring How do you live, Russia? and the author's research analyzing the essence of the political culture of Russian society. The sociological survey was carried out by the questionnaire method. The All-Russian sample is verified and representative. The article analyzes the national project Demography according to a number of key criteria: the degree of importance, awareness and ensuring the implementation of the goals. Citizens' assessments are supplemented by expert opinions and indexes calculated by the authors, which give an idea of the dynamics, nature and prospects of the implementation of state programs. The study of socio-political aspects is sup‐ plemented by indexes constructed and calculated by the authors, describing the nature and prospects of the implementation of state programs. Among the risks of the implementation of the national project Demography, the authors highlight the low degree of its importance for Russians, the low level of public aware‐ ness and the lack of confidence of citizens in the reality of achieving the set national goals. State programs are implemented in conditions of a low level of trust of citizens in the institutions of power, a low degree of approval of their policies.

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