Bogdan I.V., Volkova O.A., Golitsyna I.S., Chistyakova D.P. Introduction of gadgets into the monitoring system of population health indicators: a sociological study. Management issues. 2022. No. 3 (76). Pp. 33-45. DOI: 10.22394 ...

Bogdan I.V., Volkova O.A., Golitsyna I.S., Chistyakova D.P. Introduction of gadgets into the monitoring system of population health indicators: a sociological study. Management issues. 2022. No. 3 (76). Pp. 33-45. DOI: 10.22394/2304-3369-2022-3-33-45
ISSN 2304-3369
DOI 10.22394/2304-3369-2022-3-33-45

Posted on site: 15.09.22

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 15.09.2022)


A literature review shows that the topic of portable gadgets has been seen as a promising development for the healthcare system and could be connected with the issues of sustainable development (for example, in increasing the availability of services and their preventive focus). At the same time the use of gadgets is less studied in terms of applied aspects of the perception of this issue by the megacities population in Russia (the latter can be seen as drivers of the development of healthcare digitalization).. 469 respondents participated in a representative telephone survey in Moscow (random stratified sample). Using this data authors assessed the extent of relevant practices, barriers and prospects for their development.. The study showed a fairly low level of gadget use in Moscow: only 20% of respondents use gadgets for monitoring health. Wearable gadgets are primarily smartwatches and fitness bracelets (81%), which is in line with previous studies. Respondents mainly monitor the number of steps (74%) and heart rate (63%).  Those who use gadgets declare a high level of trust in the data received. Data analysis revealed vulnerable groups that are less likely to use this kind of gadgets – the elderly and low-income citizens (also mentioned in other studies). Among the other reasons for refusing to use the gadgets was the lack of a perceived need, since people did not consider that gadgets could be used for that purpose. The main reasons for the refusal propose the targets of possible information interventions. The article also focused on studying channels for practice expansion, particularly by medical workers. The study showed that today they do not perform their function as a channel for popularization and application of gadgets (only 6% of people acquire gadgets on the recommendation of the attending physician). One of the reasons for this, according to the literature, is that they themselves are not involved much in such a practice. Recommendations are given on the introduction of gadgets and further research, since it seems to be relevant not only for Moscow, but also for other regions and countries.

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