Dobrokhleb V.G. Demographic changes in modern Russia taking into account gender aspects against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Gender panorama of modern Russia [monograph] ...

Dobrokhleb V.G. Demographic changes in modern Russia taking into account gender aspects against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Gender panorama of modern Russia [monograph] / V. G. Dobrokhleb [et al.]; ed. V. G. Dobrokhleb, Z. A. Khotkina, M. V. Belikova; FNISTC RAS. M.: SNITS RAS, 2022. P. 17-30.

Глава из книги: Гендерная панорама современной России [монография] / В. Г. Доброхлеб [и др.]; отв. ред. В. Г. Доброхлеб, З. А. Хоткина, М. В. Беликова; ФНИСЦ РАН. М.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2022. 236 с.
ISBN 978-5-89697-389-8

Posted on site: 01.11.22



The Russian Federation is classified as one of the countries with a high level of population aging. Forecasts confirm the continuation of changes in the age structure of the population of our country for the long term. Three demographic processes: fertility, mortality and migration determine the dynamics of demographic aging. The key factors of population aging are a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in life expectancy. It is noted that international migration can contribute to changing the age structures of the population in a number of countries and regions. The specifics of the Russian national demographic dynamics is not only the aging of the population, but also the reduction of its number ‒ depopulation. The change in the age structure of the population against the background of a low birth rate caused the second stage of depopulation in Russia. The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on mortality rates and, consequently, on life expectancy. In 2020, life expectancy in the country decreased for the first time since 2003. According to analysts, Russia will be able to return to the level of 2019 by 2024 in 2021. The OPJ will be 71.7 years .

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