Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Ermolaeva Yu.V. Features of the formation of the policy of sustainable development of the labor market in Russia in the context of the BRICS countries. Theories and problems of political research. 2022. Vol. 11. No. 4A. Pp. 177-187. DOI: 10.34670 ...

Ermolaeva Yu.V. Features of the formation of the policy of sustainable development of the labor market in Russia in the context of the BRICS countries. Theories and problems of political research. 2022. Vol. 11. No. 4A. Pp. 177-187. DOI: 10.34670/AR.2022.92.97.020
ISSN 2223-5442
DOI 10.34670/AR.2022.92.97.020

Posted on site: 23.12.22

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 23.12.2022)


The article analyzes the indicators of labor market stability in the BRICS countries according to the latest data in accordance with statistics according to the development programs of the sustainable development goals for the labor market. The main triad of the priority agenda: reducing poverty, inequality and unemployment along with leaving the shadow sector is especially acute in Africa, Brazil and India. The highest rates of social security with benefits are observed in China, Brazil and Russia. At the same time, income stratification is high for these countries, especially in the regional context. All BRICS countries have a high need to modernize the fundamental sectors of the economy in relation to sustainable development goals, reduce the carbon footprint, create a green agenda, and need to rebalance the industrial, raw materials and energy agenda with the introduction of innovations and reforming the economy towards a green labor market. Summing up the main points found in the course of the analysis, each of the BRICS countries needs to provide common rules on sustainable development goals in relation to the policy of creating sustainable jobs in the BRICS countries: resource efficiency, productivity and a human-oriented labor market; create gender-neutral and inclusive jobs; reduce youth unemployment; employment strategies for the youth labor market; socio-ecological law and labor protection; create a green agenda for the development of sustainable jobs by sectors of the economy, adapt the educational system.