Panteleev V.G. The impact of the image of migrants in the regional media on the possibilities of their integration into the host society: on the example of the Rostov region. Sotsial'no-gumanitarnye znaniya. 2022. No. 6. Pp. 54-59. DOI 10.24412 ...

Panteleev V.G. The impact of the image of migrants in the regional media on the possibilities of their integration into the host society: on the example of the Rostov region. Sotsial`no-gumanitarnye znaniya. 2022. No. 6. Pp. 54-59. DOI 10.24412/0869-8120-2022-6-54-59. EDN RLAXOL.
ISSN 0869-8120
DOI 10.24412/0869-8120-2022-6-54-59

Posted on site: 26.12.22

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The article shows how the image of migrants in the media is able to influence their integration into the host society. Data analysis content analysis revealed that the topic of migration is on the periphery of media attention, the quantitative distribution during the study period does not lead to the formation of a stable image; the eventfulness of the image of migrants is revealed; and the ratio of messages by tone rather forms a contradictory image of migrants. In the messages with a positive tone, the thematic dominant “state assistance to migrants” was revealed; in messages with a negative tone - “destructive behavior of migrants”; in messages with a neutral tone - “demographic statistics”. It is established that the identified image of migrants has a low potential to influence the success of their integration into the host society.

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