Sustainability of rural areas: problems and prospects : monograph

Sustainability of rural areas: problems and prospects : monograph / A. A. Khagurov, Z. T. Golenkova, P. S. Volkova, O. V. Tereshchenko. – Krasnodar : KubGAU, 2022. – 94 p.
ISBN 978-5-907667-89-1
DOI нет

Posted on site: 29.12.22



The monograph presents the results of the third stage of the research under the RFBR grant. Special attention is paid to theoretical and practical problems of sustainability of socio-economic structures. The publication is intended for researchers, teachers, postgraduates and students. The monograph presents the results of the third stage of the research under the RFBR grant. Special attention is paid to theoretical and practical problems of sustainability of socio-economic structures.The publication is intended for researchers, teachers, postgraduates and students.

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