Kabashova E.V. Assessment of interregional inequality in the quality of life of the population in the Russian Federation. Management Accounting. 2022. No. 11-3. Pp. 748-758. DOI: 10.25806 ...

Kabashova E.V. Assessment of interregional inequality in the quality of life of the population in the Russian Federation. Management Accounting. 2022. No. 11-3. Pp. 748-758. DOI: 10.25806/uu11-32022748-758.
ISSN 1814-8476
DOI 10.25806/uu11-32022748-758
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=49954803

Posted on site: 29.12.22

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: https://uprav-uchet.ru/index.php/journal/article/view/2775/1988 (дата обращения 29.12.2022)


An urgent problem of spatial development of the Russian Federation is the high level of interregional inequality of the socio-economic situation of the regions, including the quality of life of the population. The article evaluates the interregional inequality of the quality of life of the population in the Russian Federation on the basis of indicators characterizing employment, financial situation, housing security, as well as subjective assessments of the population. The study revealed that the greatest differentiation is observed in the following indicators: tension in the labor market, wages, the share of people employed in the informal sector, the average per capita income of the population, the level of poverty, the commissioning of residential buildings, the average price of 1 m2 of apartment area, etc. The policy of leveling interregional inequality, in addition to distributional measures, should focus on the development of regions, taking into account their potential, reserves and possible factors for improving the quality of life of the population.

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