Sitnikova E.L., Chernysheva N.V., Shinkarenko E.A. The Image of a Woman-Mother in the Central Press of the War Years: An Analysis of the Main Plots. Woman in Russian Society. 2022. No. 4. Pp. 152-160.

Sitnikova E.L., Chernysheva N.V., Shinkarenko E.A. The Image of a Woman-Mother in the Central Press of the War Years: An Analysis of the Main Plots. Woman in Russian Society. 2022. No. 4. Pp. 152-160.
ISSN 1992-2892
DOI 10.21064/WinRS.2022.4.12

Posted on site: 04.01.23



The purpose of this article is to determine the image of a woman-mother by analyzing the main stories dedicated to motherhood in the central press of the war years. The basis of the article is the content analysis of the newspapers Pravda and Izvestia, published from 06/22/1941 to 05/09/1945. The total sample included 307 articles containing information about women in general and about specific heroines of that time. The basis of the research are the works of the leaders of the women's movement and the works on the status of women in the socialist states. Historical and sociological studies present the analysis of these works in detail. The research methodology uses the theory of social constructivism, where language and communication have a special place. Channels for shaping social reality are media in general and newspapers in particular. As a result, the authors have identified and analyzed plots (factors) that most fully reflect the image of a woman-mother. The authors have concluded that the image of a woman-mother presented in the press of the war years was very multifaceted and was based on the already established ideas about the functions and role of motherhood, and on the most pressing problems of the family, motherhood and childhood caused by the war.

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