Malinov A. V., Kupriyanov V. A.V.I. Lamansky The third letter. On the Intellectual and Literary Communication of Russians with their fellow Tribesmen. Solovyov Studies. 2022. Issue 4(76): 65-78. – DOI 10.17588 ... Malinov A. V., Kupriyanov V. A.V.I. Lamansky The third letter. On the Intellectual and Literary Communication of Russians with their fellow Tribesmen. Solovyov Studies. 2022. Issue 4(76): 65-78. – DOI 10.17588/2076-9210.2022.4.065-078ISSN 2076-9210DOI 10.17588/2076-9210.2022.4.065-078РИНЦ: on site: 09.01.23Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 09.01.2023)