Burkhanova F.B., Sadretdinova E.V. Ethno-cultural adaptation of spouses in an interethnic marriage: models and determinants. Ufa Humanitarian Scientific Forum. 2022. No. 4. Pp. 128-151.

Burkhanova F.B., Sadretdinova E.V. Ethno-cultural adaptation of spouses in an interethnic marriage: models and determinants. Ufa Humanitarian Scientific Forum. 2022. No. 4. Pp. 128-151.
ISSN 2713-2358
DOI 10.47309/2713-2358_2022_4_128_151

Posted on site: 14.01.23

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: http://gumforum.ru/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/2022_12_Burhanova-Fljura-Bulatovna-Sadretdinova-Evellina-Vinerovna.pdf (дата обращения 14.01.2023)


In the article, based on the materials of the 2019-2020 study, based on qualitative in-depth interviews conducted in Bashkortostan, models of ethnocultural adaptation of spouses in an interethnic marriage are identified. It is shown that the model of partial integration, acceptance of individual patterns, values on the part of one or both spouses in relation to the culture of the marriage partner has become the most widespread, and a model of rejection of the accentuation of interethnic differences in family life based on the application of a universal normative value system has also been found. The main stages of applying adaptive practices are described: choosing a marriage partner; building primary and family communications; accepting/rejecting sociocultural differences. Factors that determine adaptation at the micro level are shown: the level of ethno-cultural distance between spouses, the nearest nationalcultural and linguistic environment, and the composition of the family. It is concluded that the success of adaptation and socio-cultural integration in an interethnic family is largely ensured by the weakening and erosion of national and religious traditions. This is especially true for interethnic couples aged 40 years and older, with a significant length of life together, whose primary socialization was carried out in Soviet society with the dominance of the principles of internationalism, secularization and rejection of ethnic traditions as regulators of social behavior. However, we can also talk about the formation of another type of interethnic family, in which the importance of the religious identity and faith of the spouses is great, which is why the common religion becomes the basis of ethno-cultural adaptation.

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