Makeeva, S.B. The history of the development of the Chinese city of Harbin in the system of inter-municipal cooperation with Russia (1993 to the present). Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. 2022. No. 483. Pp. 121-129.
Makeeva, S.B. The history of the development of the Chinese city of Harbin in the system of inter-municipal cooperation with Russia (1993 to the present). Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. 2022. No. 483. Pp. 121-129.
ISSN 1561-7793
DOI 10.17223/15617793/483/13
Posted on site: 07.03.23
Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: http://journals.tsu.ru/vestnik/&journal_page=archive&id=2287 (дата обращения 07.03.2023)
Implementation of plans for regional developments on the territory of Heilongjiang province at the beginning of the 21st century, directed to the revival of old industrial bases in Northeast China. The key role in this process is occupied by the Chinese city of Harbin, as a historical and cultural city, the northeastern center of the economy, politics, trade, culture, science and technology; a future big data storage and processing center in North China; the city of an innovative model of ecological construction of the digital economy of the Northeast. Considering the history of the regional development of the city of Harbin, it is worth noting that this city is a space of historical integration of cultures of different countries, it is a famous historical city with a deep cultural heritage and distinctive features of multiculturalism. Particular attention in the process of regional transformations in the city of Harbin is given to the system of inter-municipal interaction with Russian our cities. The modern development of the city of Harbin in interaction with the cities of the world is built on the basis of realism of the global project of the New Silk Road – «the One Belt, One Road initiative». Harbin attaches great importance to inter-municipal cooperation with foreign cities under the Chinese concept of «foreign affairs for the people». Accumulated over the last decade experience of inter-municipal brother, partner cooperation Quantity along the line Harbin-Khabarovsk, Harbin-Yakutsk, Harbin-Murmansk, Harbin-Krasnodar can serve as the basis for further mutual action between the Chinese city of Harbin and other Russian cities.