Kolesnik N.V. The Evolution of Electoral Technique in Russia: from Door-to-Door to Digitall Control and Back. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2023. No. 1. P. 121–142. https: ...

Kolesnik N.V. The Evolution of Electoral Technique in Russia: from Door-to-Door to Digitall Control and Back. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2023. No. 1. P. 121–142. https://doi.org/10.14515/monitoring.2023.1.2340. (In Russ.)
ISSN 2219-5467
DOI 10.14515/monitoring.2023.1.2340
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=52502861

Posted on site: 30.03.23

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: https://www.monitoringjournal.ru/index.php/monitoring/article/view/2340 (дата обращения 30.03.2023)


Based on interviews with Russian political consultants, and business and government representatives, the re- construction process of electoral tech- niques in contemporary Russia is being held. Using empirical data, the authors explore the features of forming the market for electoral services in the context of the electoral process and the impact on the election campaigns that representatives of government, business, and po- litical consultants have. The analysis of electoral techniques reconstructed by experts showed that they usually evolve along with the general political practices in the country. The electoral services mar ket, established in the 90s, reflected the increased demand for a different kind of politics — not only from the Russian elec- torate but also from new politicians and business representatives. In the course of the empirical study, it was revealed that due to the evolution of the political regime in Russia, electoral techniques had undergone a significant transformation, and, in general, the electoral system is being reproduced on an enclosed basis.

Content (in russ)

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