Shushpanova, I.S. The socio-economic situation of the Russians in the context of saving people: sociological analysis. Management Issues. 2023. Vol. 17. No. 2. Pp. 7–19. DOI 10.22394 ...

Shushpanova, I.S. The socio-economic situation of the Russians in the context of saving people: sociological analysis. Management Issues. 2023. Vol. 17. No. 2. Pp. 7–19. DOI 10.22394/2304-3369-2023-2-7-19.
ISSN 2304-3369
DOI 10.22394/2304-3369-2023-2-7-19

Posted on site: 08.05.23

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 08.05.2023)


Introduction. In the conditions of acute depopulation, a complex international and sanitary-epidemiological situation, the issue of saving people becomes relevant. The purpose of the research is a sociological study of the socio-economic situation of citizens through the prism of saving the Russian population in modern conditions. Materials and methods. The empirical basis of the author's research is the results of sociological monitoring "How are you doing, Russia?" and "Where are you going, Russia?" conducted by a team of scientists from the Institute for Socio-Political Research of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, including the author. The article analyzes expert assessments, identifying general trends of the current socio-economic situation in the Russian society. Many sociologists and demographers agree that Russia needs to update the socio-economic development model focusing on social inequality reduction, population income growth and social optimism. The basis of the author's analysis is a multidimensional model that most fully reveals the trends in the socio-economic situation of Russian society in the context of people saving. Results. The citizens' opinion analysis showed that the Russians are critical to the changes in various social fields over the last 30 years. Among the positive trends one can mention an increased level of citizens' confidence in public authorities and approval of socio-economic policy. The author's model of the needs of Russians based on the deprivation methodology is proposed in the article. According to the results of the sociological measurement, the basic needs are the following: electricity consumption, travel by transport, purchase of medicines and food and medical care. Occasionally, the Russians cut down on clothes and shoes, theaters and cinemas, and home renovation (the second level). Permanent deprivations were restrictions on household appliances and furniture, vacations and travels, on restaurants and catering places (third level). Discussion and conclusions. In 2022, the poverty rate calculated by the author was at the level of 23-24%. The fidelity and adequacy of the model is confirmed by the values of subjective indicators of poverty. According to the author's measurements, in four years the poverty rate in Russia has decreased from 27% to 23%. Having minimized the risks, it can be assumed that under favorable circumstances, based on the Russians’ estimates and forecasts, by 2027 the number of poor people may decrease from 25% to 17%.

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