Kublitskaya, E. A., Pismanik, M. G. (2023), “Religious and socio-cultural processes in the integration of modern societies (analytical review of the socio-cultural interaction of religious and non-religious Russians)”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 9 (2), 15-20.

Kublitskaya, E. A., Pismanik, M. G. (2023), “Religious and socio-cultural processes in the integration of modern societies (analytical review of the socio-cultural interaction of religious and non-religious Russians)”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 9 (2), 15-20.
ISSN 2408-9338
DOI 10.18413/2408-9338-2023-9-2-0-2
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=54149908

Posted on site: 18.07.23

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: http://rrsociology.ru/journal/annotation/3119/ (дата обращения 18.07.2023)


The editorial article presents some problems of mutual understanding between religious and non-religious Russians in a complicated socio-cultural situation. The value foundations of mutual understanding and dialogue between representatives of different worldview positions are considered as the foundation of social consolidation in modern society; the interrelation of morality and religion as its protective institute is characterized; the principles of dialogue between believers and non-believers are outlined, the most important of which is the scientifically and pedagogically equipped mutual understanding of believers and non-believers on decisive cultural, political and ethical categories and values; substantiated the most important stages of its development.

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