Sogomonov A.Yu. Moral Philosophy and early Russian educational practices. V. Tatyshev – the thinker and the founder of the engineering education. Semestrial Papers of Applied Ethics. 2023. No. 2(62). Pp. 119-137.

Sogomonov A.Yu. Moral Philosophy and early Russian educational practices. V. Tatyshev – the thinker and the founder of the engineering education. Semestrial Papers of Applied Ethics. 2023. No. 2(62). Pp. 119-137.
ISSN 2307-518X
DOI нет

Posted on site: 05.09.23



Early Russian moral philosophy, composed eclectically from the ideas and theories of rational philosophy, humanism and orthodox religious theology was the intellectual background for the emerging educational practices. Vassiliy Tatishev (1685-1750) was the brightest star among the thinkers and statesmen of the first Peter the Great recruit. His activities in Urals region gave the start for new industries, reorganization of the local life, and the establishment of early educational institutions and practices. Among his innovations were: (a) complete subordination of education to the state, (b) conceptualization of the engineering professions as a state service, (c) enrolment of children in the model of military recruitment, (d) rejection of free distribution of graduates, and their compulsion to work at state factories, (e) substantial and ethical control over pedagogical corpus, etc. He was the first Russian thinker, who formulated the ideology of radical statism and principles of “etatistic axiology”. The analysis of Tatishev’s educational and institutional heritage reveals the social paradigm of the Russian modernization policy and the construction of the new modern society in early empire.

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