Volkov Yu.G., Semenenko D.A. The Institute of Education as a Factor in the Formation of Russian Civil Identity. Sociology. 2023. No. 2. Pp. 16-24.

Volkov Yu.G., Semenenko D.A. The Institute of Education as a Factor in the Formation of Russian Civil Identity. Sociology. 2023. No. 2. Pp. 16-24.
ISSN 1812-9226
DOI 10.24412/1812-9226-2023-2-16-24
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=53773246

Posted on site: 04.12.23

Текст статьи на сайте Cyberleninka URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/institut-obrazovaniya-kak-faktor-formirovaniya-rossiyskoy-grazhdanskoy-identichnosti (дата обращения 04.12.2023)


This article is devoted to the consideration of the social institution of education as a factor in the formation of Russian civic identity. The article uses a structural-functional approach. The objective component of Russian civic identity is realized through formal (state and law) and informal mechanisms (socio-cultural norms). The following are considered as mechanisms for strengthening civic identity in the institution of education: maintaining ethno-cultural education, including familiarization with the Russian ethno-cultural historical heritage and acquaintance with ethno-cultural values and the history of other peoples; equipping the teaching of the disciplines of the ethno cultural program with innovative methods aimed at developing practical skills in the field of studying various aspects of ethnic culture. The institution of education is capable of forming and strengthening normative-value orientations, instilling an active civic position and instilling patriotism simultaneously and on the basis of the state Russian language. The Russian language plays a consolidating role in the institute of education. The institution of education influences Russian identity in two directions: 1) through the formation of intellectual capital, which contributes to successful adaptation to social, economic and political changes and consolidation, which determines its importance in the system of civic identity; 2) through the educational function, focused on the formation of a set of civic properties of the individual.

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