Dobrokhleb V.G. The relevance of strengthening the link between generations of the EAEU countries in the context of demographic aging. In: Cultural heritage and the link between generations: monograph ...
Dobrokhleb V.G. The relevance of strengthening the link between generations of the EAEU countries in the context of demographic aging. In: Cultural heritage and the link between generations: monograph / E.S. Baeva, A.A., Balyasov, S.A. Barkov, L.A. Belyaeva [et al.] / Under the general editorship of prof. Z.H. Saralieva. – N. Novgorod: NNSUI. Lobachevsky, 2023. P. 81-93.
ISBN 978-5-91326-843-3
DOI нет
Posted on site: 09.01.23
This section shows that the process of demographic aging has a different level of intensity for the EAEU countries. Two different sides of demographic aging are presented, when, on the one hand, the problems of pension provision and long-term care for growing groups of the elderly population are aggravated, and, on the other, opportunities for using the second demographic dividend open up. The second demographic trend is a window of demographic opportunities, which is the result of appropriate social policy, which creates conditions for the preservation and development of the resource potential of the elderly and old people in the field of their health, educational and qualification skills, motivation and others. At the same time, the aging population can become an active actor in the labor market and participate in the process of effective interaction between different generations, including in the field of transferring the cultural heritage of the countries of this regional union. However, currently there are no detailed programs in the field of humanitarian cooperation, including in the field of education. In order to strengthen the EAEU, it is proposed to form such programs, including in the educational sphere.