Kabashova E.V. Differences in the standard of living of urban and rural residents in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The Eurasian Scientific Journal. 2023; 15(6): 65ECVN623. Available at: https: ...

Kabashova E.V. Differences in the standard of living of urban and rural residents in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The Eurasian Scientific Journal. 2023; 15(6): 65ECVN623. Available at: https://esj.today/PDF/65ECVN623.pdf. (In Russ., abstract in Eng.) DOI: 10.15862/65ECVN623
ISSN 2588-0101
DOI 10.15862/65ECVN623

Posted on site: 13.01.24

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: https://esj.today/PDF/65ECVN623.pdf (дата обращения 13.01.2024)



Due to the strong differentiation of the standard of living of urban and rural populations, studies on income and employment, depending on the type of settlement, are very relevant. The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for conducting a comparative analysis of the main aspects of the standard of living (income, employment) of the urban and rural population in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The empirical basis of the study was the data of official statistics, the results of the All-Russian Population Census, the results of a comprehensive observation of the living conditions of the population, as well as the rating of the subjects of the Russian Federation on the quality of life of the rural population. The article focuses on the comparative analysis of two components of the standard of living of urban and rural populations: income and employment, which are a kind of material foundation for the life of the population. Excessive differences the developed methodology makes it possible to identify differences in the standard of living of urban and rural populations based on the integration of official statistics data, which represent actual macroeconomic indicators, and sociological indicators (subjective estimates of the population) obtained from the results of the CSW. The author shows that the differentiation of the quality of life of urban and rural populations is manifested in the sources of their income formation. Thus, in 2022, 70,5 % of respondents indicated wages as the main source of income in urban areas, while only 46,1 % in rural areas. A significant part of both urban and rural population is experiencing financial difficulties: 82,8 % — in urban areas; 75,5 % — in rural areas. Excessive differences in the standard of living of the urban and rural population, as well as in the subjective assessments of the population of their financial situation, satisfaction with aspects of their work, should be taken into account by regional authorities when developing measures to equalize the standard of living of urban and rural residents

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